
Listen to the "Forsaken" trailer and fill in the gaps.
BOY: Mr Clayton. Are them [sic] stories true ?

REVEREND: Your mom and I kept asking ourselves what we'd done wrong that filled you with so much hate.

DAVE: Why did you return to Falon (name of city)?
CLAYTON: I wanted to try something else.
DAVE: I'm not sure there is something else .

CLAYTON: The thought of coming back to you was the only thing that got me through that damned (verflucht) war.
MARY-ALICE: I'm married.
CLAYTON: Married?!
MARY-ALICE: Going on eight years now. .

MAN: Well, well, well. I heard a lot about you.
JAMES: Is he gonna be a problem?

DAVE: are headed for an inevitable (unausweichlich) conclusion (Ausgang).
CLAYTON: If I was looking for trouble, you'd already know it.

MARY-ALICE: Stay inside!
REVEREND: You’re going to try to push them off homesteads (Bauernhof) they’ve been living on all their lives?
MARY-ALICE: And if we’re still here?
JAMES: Then I'd start looking .

DAVE: I do admire your restraint (Zurückhaltung), but I also know that if you kick a dog long enough, he's gonna bite.

JAMES: I ain’t gonna sit here and pretend (vorgaukeln) that you and I have ever seen eye to eye on pretty much anything.

REVEREND: God is not responsible .
CLAYTON: I did not choose it.
JAMES: When a man shakes my hand and says he's gonna do something, I expect him to follow through (etw. zu Ende bringen).
DAVE: You did the one thing that would bring John Henry Clayton into this.
MARY-ALICE: How can you expect anyone to forgive you ?

CLAYTON: It's time I did something right in my life. This is what I know how to do.