
Listen to the "Baywatch" trailer and fill in the gaps.
MITCH: . We’re the heart and soul of this very beach. We protect when other people don’t wanna protect. And we go .

WOMAN: Help me! Help! … If you want me .
MITCH: At some other time.

CAPTAIN: We’re staring into the abyss (Abrgund) here. The city council’s (Stadtrat) already cut (kürzen) our funding (Finanzierung). It’s up to us .
MATT: I’m Matt Brody, .
SUMMER: Did you just, uh, look at my boobs?
MATT: I’m trying, .

MITCH: This is the guy you think is a good PR (public relations) opportunity for us. … He’s reckless (leichtsinnig).
CAPTAIN: With two gold medals. ? Probably zero.

MITCH: We got a dead body on our beach.

MITCH: My gut says there’s some bad shit going on over there and my balls say .
MATT: And my balls say… “Let’s just take it easy, right here.”
MITCH: Why do your balls sound like three year-old girls?
MATT: I don’t know, man. That’s just how they talk, .

MITCH: Welcome to Baywatch!

MITCH: [unintelligible]

SUMMER: Why does she always look like she’s running in slow-mo (slow motion)?

SERGEANT: You turned the canals into the damn X-Games.
MATT: Yeah, that’s because we were in lifeguard pursuit (Verfolgung).
SERGEANT: There’s no such thing as ! How do I explain this so that you people understand?
MATT: You people? You people?
MITCH: Oh, you don’t get to say that. You’re just tanned (sonnengebräunt).
SERGEANT: Right on.
MITCH: Come on, brother.