
Cargo-Bot ist ein Puzzle-Spiel, wo man einem Roboter "beibringt", wie und wohin er die Kisten verschieben soll. Klingt einfach, oder?


System iOS
Sprache Englisch
Preisspanne Kostenlos
Dateigröße 6,3 MB
Fachgebiet fortgeschrittene Informatik
Bildungsstufe Sek2, HTL
Datum 04.02.2014



Cargo-Bot ist ein Puzzle-Spiel, wo die Spieler/innen einen Roboter programmieren, um Kisten, nach einer vorgegebenen Lösung, zu bewegen. In 36 Leveln können immer bis zu 3 Sterne erreicht werden. Dies hängt davon ab, in wie wenigen Schritten die Aufgabe gelöst wird. Zusätzlich können die Lösungen aufgezeichent werden, um sie beispielsweise auf YouTube zu posten.

Cargo-Bot ist kostenlos und wurde direkt auf dem iPad programmiert. Dazu wurde das Codea Xcode Template verwendet. Weitere Informationen dazu finden Sie unter

Möglichkeiten für den Unterricht

Why we love this app
This game is easy to play and fun, despite the difficulty of the presented problems; this game can deliver quite a challenge. The game gets progressively more complex and the concept of programming will become more and more apparent as students are introduced to programming concepts like looping, branching, etc.

What it teaches and how it works
The game asks students to program an automated cargo crane to pick and drop colored boxes in a particular pattern in particular places. Sometimes they have to be sorted or rearranged. There are limited set of instructions in the toolbox that students can use, and limited programming that the bot can take. Students have to think through on how to work out the solution given the restrictions, and implement that solution into the bot's programming. A higher score will be given to those having the smallest number of instructions, which is appropriate to encourage, as all programmers attempt to make their programming smaller and more efficient.

Why your kid won't be able to put it down
The game does not give a first impression that it's a learning game, but as difficulties built up, more and more thinking and trailing is needed. It would be good to complement the game within a classroom to give the students a more useful strategy in attacking the problem, rather than simply trying to figure it out with brute trial and error. Kids will love the animation and the fact that they can control this bot to try to solve 'real' problem. From time to time, they might get frustrated, as I did, and need encouragement and help from a parent or teacher, creating opportunities for reflective learning.


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